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Current members


Principal Investigator

Xuan Zhuang

Dr. Zhuang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Arkansas. She completed her postdoctoral training at the University of Chicago after receiving her Ph.D. at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. As an evolutionary geneticist, she is interested in understanding the genetic basis of novel trait evolution and complex trait variation, as well as the underlying molecular mechanisms and the driving evolutionary forces.



Prabodh Bajpai

Dr. Bajpai joined the lab in December 2022, with research interests that blend empirical and computational techniques in the fields of comparative genomics and population genetics. His primary focus is on understanding the genetic mechanisms underlying adaptive evolution among fish species thriving in diverse climatic environments. Additionally, he explores the realm of population genomics, exploring the genetic diversity and structure within fish populations.

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PhD Student

Yuyan Chen

Yuyan joined the lab in Fall 2021 as a PhD student in the Program of Cell and Molecular Biology. She completed her B.S. Degree in Biological Science at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her current research project is to use Drosophila models to explore genetic variation for complex traits associated with human diabetes.


PhD Student

Vinita Lamba

Vinita joined the lab in Fall 2022 as a PhD student in Biological Sciences Program. She completed her master’s degree in Bioinformatics from Panjab University. She is interested in learning about genetic diversity and adaptive evolution using a broad range of bioinformatics approaches. Currently she is investigating molecular signatures to understand the roles of new gene formation and gene loss in adaptive evolution in polar fishes. She loves hiking, trekking and cooking!

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PhD Student

Nathan Rives

Nathan, an undergraduate student majoring in Biology and Statistics, became part of the Zhuang Lab in the summer of 2021. He secured a SURF grant to investigate convergent and new gene evolution through antifreeze proteins in polar fish. Nathan was granted a Distinguished Doctoral Fellowship (DDF) to pursue his research further as a PhD student in our lab.


PhD Student

Ethan Talley

Ethan, an undergraduate student majoring in Biology and Computer Science, joined the lab in the Spring of 2023. He received a SURF grant to investigate genomic convergence for adaptations to freezing environments across multiple polar fish lineages. Ethan was granted a Distinguished Doctoral Fellowship (DDF) to continue his research as a PhD student in our lab.

Lab Alumni


Research Associate

Mohan Acharya

Dr. Acharya completed his PhD in the Department of Animal Science at the University of Arkansas. His  research in the Zhuang lab involves high sugar diet induced metabolic traits in Drosophila.

He has landed on a tenure-track faculty job! Congrats!

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